As we enter 2025, it is with immense pride and gratitude that we celebrate a monumental milestone: the 50th anniversary of the Kennesaw Business Association. This is not just a celebration of the past five decades, but a look forward to the exciting opportunities and achievements awaiting us in the future.
For half a century, the KBA has been a vital cornerstone of our community - connecting local businesses, spearheading collaboration, and driving growth. We have weathered changes, adapted to new challenges, and evolved into a robust and dynamic network of entrepreneurs, professionals, and supporters. Our collective journey has been one of resilience, innovation, and an unwavering commitment to making Kennesaw a great place to live, work, and play.
This year, as we celebrate all we’ve accomplished together, we embrace a new theme for 2025: "Time To Win!" This rally cry speaks to the opportunity before us—not commemorating past successes, but setting our sights on even greater victories. It’s time to build on the solid foundation we’ve established and work together to elevate Kennesaw as a beacon of business excellence in Georgia.
In the spirit of “Time to Win,” we will focus on several key initiatives this year:
Growing Our Membership – We will continue to expand our network, reaching out to new businesses and entrepreneurs who can contribute to the vibrant growth of Kennesaw's economy. Together, we can offer more resources, opportunities, and solutions to our expanding business community.
Strengthening Local Partnerships – Collaboration is essential to success. We will focus on building stronger partnerships with local government, schools, and other organizations to foster an environment where businesses can thrive.
Intentional Events & Networking – With our variety of opportunities, our goal is to create more intentionality for members to connect, discover, and win together. We’re committed to providing valuable experiences that help you grow your business and achieve new heights.
Championing Our Community – Our association will continue to be a voice for Kennesaw businesses, advocating for policies and initiatives that promote economic development, infrastructure improvements, and a business-friendly environment.
As we step into this new year, I encourage you to embrace the possibilities that lie ahead. Let’s make 2025 a year of success, collaboration, and growth. Together, we have the power to achieve great things—there's no limit to what we can accomplish when we work as one unified community.
On behalf of the KBA Board of Directors, I want to thank each and every one of you for your continued support. Your dedication to our mission and our community has been the driving force behind everything we’ve achieved so far, and I have no doubt that this next chapter will be even more remarkable.
Here’s to 50 incredible years—and to a future full of victories. The time is now...
Time To Win!
- Austin Porter, 2025 KBA President